I dunno why I tot the title was appropriate...
I am going to write about why people normally realise and understand things only when it's too late. when things have gone too far and beyond salvage.
maybe i tink of such a situation as similar to autumn...like there's a hint of regret during that season...like the leaves will fall from the trees and the trees can't do anything about it...
just read an article about the
value of marriage...from a blog..
honestly..i think there still are people with such views... that once married, have to keep it going... i believe there are... BUT i believe that these people either
1) know what they are doing and really want to try with their eyes and heart open and know (TRUTHFULLY) that things can be worked out...love and concern has been there all the time before the difficult period and they REALLY try their best ....bestest even, if there is such a word, to overcome the difficulties...
OR2) dunno what they are doing but just believe blindly that marriage is sacred, no matter whether they have been nuturing it, caring about it, working hard for it for the whole duration of the relationship/marriage...and then they might not really try their best too, since they dun even understand what they are doing, maybe dunno why they are doing it...THEY JUST THINK MARRIAGE IS FOR LIFE... yes...but a life without love and care is not worth living...
If it's 1, by all means, try! and Try! and TRY harder! There is something worth working for there. There is love.
If it's 2, then maybe it's just time to let go...when u hvn't done anything to fill the love tank, and it's empty, it will not fill again....it is just drained and empty...
no matter how much love there used to be...one day it would still empty out... if there isn't anything to keep refilling the supply...
once something is gone...there is no way it will come back...
it's like you have a plant, a normal healthy plant...but if u dun water it regularly or dun water it at all, it might be able to survive for a while...but eventually it will die due to lack of care...
there is a plant in my house too...left by someone who doesn't care... it's now dead...
I have 2 flowering plants in office... i had 3 actually...1 died...the other 2 surviving ones, i have been taking care of them... fr failure, i see tt i had not been doing something right...and i adjust....one of them is having lotsa flowers now...
i guess that is the difference between someone who knows how to care and someone who doesn't...
and in failure, i learn... just that somethings when dead...will not revive...like my dead plant...