~ Life is waiting ~

Just Thoughts and Feelings...Babbling on... nothing much really... :)

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Best Year Ever?

Although I have read in many Chinese Zodiac Predictions that this is not a good year for sheeps...
i'm beginning to feel this is the best year ever...

I am beginning to build up better relationships with my family and getting to know some things i never knew...and made me wonder if i WAS part of the family.. haha...

I am learning lots about myself and still learning more...more awareness is useful in ensuring i know my strengths, challenges, boundaries...

I just feel good - and I think it's due to the effort I have made in recent months in reading and understanding myself and about human relations and interpersonal dynamics...

I know this is going to be a good year... challenges brings about change and improvement... =)

When faced with difficulties and adversities, people learn and grow..

Maybe at the same time, u realise that there are people who do not explicitly show their care and concern but have always been there for you...looking out for you..

Thanks to everyone who have done that for me...

I am counting my blessings and thanking my lucky stars! ;)

Friday, February 13, 2009

curious case of benjamin buttons - find the film too long, too slow...not really moving for me... i mean the concept is interesting for me... but maybe it's the acting?

i dun tink this is the intention at all... but looking at the female lead in some scenes...this came to me...

why must women always hv to be so strong? for their family? for children? for themselves? can't women juz take a break sometimes?

and i dunno y when i hear this part, my tears will well in my eyes...u got to watch the movie to get the feeling...
Daisy: Goodnight Benjamin.
Benjamin Button: Goodnight Daisy.
for me - it's the feeling of having someone wif u, whether physically there or in ur heart...and that u know u truly care for this person....

And this, caught my attn...being perfect forever....
Daisy: I promise you, I'll never lose myself to self-pity again.
Benjamin Button: [while the day begins] And I think, right there and then, she realized none of us is perfect forever.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is it really that common nowadays?

Heard of yet another case.. =(

and this is someone I really never thought would be in such a situation... it bothers me...

Saturday, February 07, 2009

I was bored...googled the word - Tired and here is wat came up...


click on it.... who would make such a website?

So strange....

9.25pm - And then i found another link on google that explains the site...hahaha...

http://www.slate.com/id/2103823/ - the article is right...I almost wanted to email...But i guess in 2009, which is SO different from 2004....people are getting more skeptical about releasing information on the internet...

Still - Internet is wondrous...

and somehow I feel my intuition led me somewhere again.... life really loves those who loves life...it's a complete circle! =)

Monday, February 02, 2009

I suddenly have an urge to thank all those who have cared for me before and loved me before.

It's never easy to love and always a blessing to be loved and cared for.

So thank you all, through the years. Especially my family, because they have loved me for the longest time in this world since I was born!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Old Maid

met up wif an old fren whom i hvn't met for a good 6 mths... i realised i knew him for 4-5 yrs now...how times flies...

anyway...was telling him i feel old suddenly...after cny...juz felt old...