something i got on sms today from FY..which i tot is really nice...and tot-provoking... but smart me, din type it out on my own...i searched for it on internet... smart rite? haha.. chinese typing juz aren't me...wld hv taken me 1hr? haha...so here it is..
1。 没有100分的另一半, 只有50分的两个人。
2。 付出真心,才会得到真心,却也可能伤得彻底。保持距离,就能保护自己,却也注定永远寂寞。
3。 通常愿意留下来跟你争吵的人,才是真正爱你的人。
4。 有时候不是对方不在乎你, 而是你把对方看得太重。
5。 冷漠,有时候并不是无情, 只是一种避免被伤害的工具。
6。 如果我们之前有1000步的距离,你只要跨出第一步,我就会朝你的方向走其余的999步。
7。 为你的难过而快乐的是敌人。 为你的快乐而快乐的是亲情。为你的难过而难过的就是那些该放进心里的人。
8。 就算是Believe中间也藏了一个lie.
9。 真正的好伴侣,并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题, 而是在一起就算不说话,也不会感到尴尬。
10。 真实的爱情就是被你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。
1。 没有100分的另一半, 只有50分的两个人。
2。 付出真心,才会得到真心,却也可能伤得彻底。保持距离,就能保护自己,却也注定永远寂寞。
3。 通常愿意留下来跟你争吵的人,才是真正爱你的人。
4。 有时候不是对方不在乎你, 而是你把对方看得太重。
5。 冷漠,有时候并不是无情, 只是一种避免被伤害的工具。
6。 如果我们之前有1000步的距离,你只要跨出第一步,我就会朝你的方向走其余的999步。
7。 为你的难过而快乐的是敌人。 为你的快乐而快乐的是亲情。为你的难过而难过的就是那些该放进心里的人。
8。 就算是Believe中间也藏了一个lie.
9。 真正的好伴侣,并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题, 而是在一起就算不说话,也不会感到尴尬。
10。 真实的爱情就是被你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。
2 Sexy Soul(s) babbling:
At Thu Sep 25, 11:59:00 PM GMT+8,
Anonymous said…
Since you think these 10 phrases are so thought-provoking. Why dont you ask yourself are you practising them? Human always have the habit of not doing the things they keep requesting others to do for them. Think carefully before you request others to do what you want, are you doing what others want? Perhaps is just that all people around you do not complain like you....
After reading some of your blogs, I found that you are a confusing person.. In chinese...黑是你, 白也是你, 你好矛盾。。。 不断的要求别人, 但你问自己,你做得好吗??
At Fri Sep 26, 10:03:00 AM GMT+8,
芩 said…
I am thinking...just that a blog is but a blog...it doesn't capture all my thoughts. it captures only those at the point I have a PC to blog...
Perhaps I should just keep my blog private? People who do not understand the situation keep giving advices which do not help.
Too many assumptions about me is made without even knowing me personally.
What makes you think that I am not tinking about them? Just cuz i am not blogging about them doesn't mean i am not thinking about them...
When you are telling me what to do, perhaps you could also be thinking of what you should be doing for yourself too...it's always SO easy to tell others what to do...
I dun deny I am confused. that is why I am in the situation I am in. If I am very clear, then I would be not be in this mess. That is why i have this blog to help clear my tots.
Woman...as a woman yourself, you are very clear about what you want all the time? And that you have no doubts at all in your life? Then perhaps you are a lucky person with a smooth life.
Appreciate your comments.
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