~ Life is waiting ~

Just Thoughts and Feelings...Babbling on... nothing much really... :)

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sky is clearing...?

Today I think I felt better...somehow...maybe the sky is clearing..?

Maybe cuz i'm clearing work which is bothering me... so i guess it's taking the stress off abit...

I feel it's a compliment when people you work with say " If I leave, I hope to have a chance to work with you again." isn't it?

I mean...it must mean I have done something right? Otherwise I think, for me la, I would be saying "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!" heee.... rite?

So I definitely did something right!

Anyway I'm also thinking the same about one of my colleagues... she just 'turned' 1 year old at office! hee..

Initially, I was just glad, in fact delighted, that someone is taking over my role to serve the madam! After a few encounters, didn't think very much of her... Was even abit disappointed at some stuff she did...

BUT i think she grew on me! And as I spent more time talking to her and encouraging her...she improved alot...and I am now very impressed with her! She probably had the potential and I'm glad I din give up on her and instead kept on toking to her and counselling her! She is helping me a lot in my work now and if she's not around, tink I'm definitely oredi lying flat on the ground! AND of cuz she was lucky to have someone like me to guide her along..albeit quite fierce at times! hahaha...

Nowadays I tok to her about things happening in office too...and ask for her opinion cuz i value them and I think she given me insights into things and oso a different perspective...I found a very good co-worker in her! I'm sure she would agree that she has grown over the year she was with us and that she has learnt a lot! Whether she liked the experience or not...

Hope she'll continue working with me and oso that if i leave, I hope to have the chance to work wif her again... Now that's a compliment for her..from her VERY FIERCE da jie at work! hee

OKAY..Back to myself... I think I'm getting back my optimism which is very good news cuz I need that for solving my problems! The very root of my unhappiness!

cuz when u pessimistic, everything looks grim and it's like the end of the world... when u r optimistic..at least the world seems brighter...perhaps that'll throw some light onto the problems? =)

I probably have up till weekend to tink abt things... this week's very crazy busy at work too...might not even have time.. life's like that....

truth is...I think I am quite enjoying my time at home...with no one to worry about...whether he's happy or unhappy...or bored, not bored...or hungry, not hungry...etc... just need to take care of I, me and myself for a change... really tinking that being single is so much easier... sigh..

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