~ Life is waiting ~

Just Thoughts and Feelings...Babbling on... nothing much really... :)

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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

A deadline is a deadline.

If you missed a deadline and come 1 day later, and you can't find the person whom you should submit the required items to. It is your fault. Not the fault of the person whom you can't find.

And a deadline is there for a reason. If you missed a deadline, you have to ask how to follow up. Not blame it on a person who took leave. How does this person know when you would submit since the deadline is over.

Especially when this deadline is not even yours. But you suddenly changed your mind and wanted to book an earlier appointment. How is the person going to read your mind when there is NO notification of any sort.

When did simple things like this change their meanings?

If everything can be changed as and when each person likes, then why fix rules and deadlines? Just do whatever you want and whenever la. Then also won't need anyone to monitor what.

0 Sexy Soul(s) babbling:

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